About Taylor and Jessy Danyluk

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Our Story

Taylor and Jessy met while pursuing their Master's Degrees in counselling and haven't looked back! Taylor loves people and hearing their stories and believes that understanding who a person is and what they have gone through will help them discover where to go in the future. He has practiced counselling and coaching in downtown Toronto and has integrated it into his time as a Pastor in Oshawa and Brampton. Taylor is also a Certified Funeral Celebrant and loves to serve those who have no one to serve them. 

Jessy also completed her Master's Degree in counselling and has a passion for children and young people and seeing them achieve mental and emotional health. Jessy has been practicing counselling for over 5 years and loves to see lives transformed. Both Taylor and Jessy see their faith as a way to enhance and support their counselling and coaching abilities and love to help people enhance their own faith as well. The joy of their lives is raising their daughter Lucy, who already seems like a force to be reckoned with!

Are you ready to take the first step?

Our Values


Everyone is welcome and this is a place to feel valued, wanted, and unique. No two people are alike and we want to celebrate that and make this a place of non-judgement and healing.


We understand that all humans have a spiritual nature and that faith in something greater than ourselves is a key element in understanding life.


We treat all individuals with a sense of understanding and empathy to aid the transformation and healing process. We encourage you and value your story.


All sessions are held in the strictest confidence between the client and counselor or life coach. Exceptions mat include harm to self, harm to others, or the need to report abuse or crime.

Reach out to us today!

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